Using github actions for my blog from now on
Github actions looks cool. I can’t wait for using it even if it’s still in ‘beta’ at the moment.
Github actions looks cool. I can’t wait for using it even if it’s still in ‘beta’ at the moment.
Millions tutorials online of CSS flexbox is about one pattern: parent dispay: flex; + one level children. However, in practice, flexbox is used in nested pat...
Generate an array
Github Pages + Jekyll is free and reliabe. And it’s fun to use it to make a website.
Jest mock module feature can be used for mocking whole or part of packages in your project. Check out:
Here is the two videos:
After upgrading MacOS to Catalina, everytime opening a terminal, there would be a prompt saying:
This article is just a trouble-shooting blog. It’s rarely happen. After you even did a force renew by using
In 2019, I spent about a month to write this Python cryptocurrency capital gain tax calculator.
I created a gist to keep a basic implementation, in Python. Here it is: